Flower Hill

Feynman diagrams, quantum circuits,

and AdS/CFT

An introduction to the new universe

by Bob Dorsett

August 2018

Wyethia and Lupine near Kebler Pass, Colorado.   Bob Dorsett.

This article attempts to summarize recent developments in spacetime physics.  It’s an exciting time.  Ideas from several different realms are converging on a new model for how the world works.  It’s not just particles and forces any more.  The world acts like a quantum computer.
Information theory is the new kid on the block.  Physicists are making progress understanding black holes using ideas first conjured by communications engineers, and vice versa computer scientists are employing ideas from physics to optimize computer code.  Complexity theory of emergent systems, a favorite of biologists, now is producing fruits in physics as well.  Meantime, physicists are finding new connections between old ideas, with surprising implications.  The goal of this article is to provide some background for these developments and to paint a plausible, but far from complete, picture of how the world works. 

I hope you enjoy exploring these ideas as much as I have.  

Physics Since AdS/CFT

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The Picture:

The photograph shows a typical subalpine community in the central Colorado Rockies, including a population of Wyethia (Mule's ears, the large yellow composites), lupine (purple flower in the left foreground) and, on the skyline, alpine fir.  Living organisms in this environment must adapt to harsh extremes -- cold winters with heavy snowfall, hot and dry summers.  If all the multiverse is string, here are strings at work.  (And I like the picture.)



Make the following equation in Roman numerals using matchsticks:

    | + || + ||| + |||| =

Move one matchstick to a new location in the equation so that the sum equals 4.

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